edelkrone HeadOne v2 Vibrating shaking problem
The hand one V2 while in slow movement. The Headone will vibrate or some kind of resonance. This made the entire setup unstable and the footage is also unusable. So I just take it apart and want to fix this problem that everyone is talking about. edelkrone HeadOne Vibrating problem.

So easy fix is to push the motor in words to make firm contact with the gears. That's the only solution you can do it by yourself right now.
I also contact with edelkrone. They said it's a firmware software issue. And they are fixing it as soon as possible. Hope hope they can fix this problem from the ground up instead of me taking apart and tweaking their product.

HeadONE is a motorized camera pan/tilt solution that is unmatched in terms of portability and versatility. With a user-friendly app for control.