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Edelkrone Time Lapse Motorized Slider Enhancing Motion Effects with Dynamic Interval Adjustments and Mobile Fast-Forward Effects Ramping

Enhancing Motion Effects with Dynamic Interval Adjustments and Mobile Fast-Forward Effects Edelkrone Time Lapse Motorized Slider

Lately, I’ve been experimenting with a full setup of Edelkrone’s Time Lapse Motorized Slider and the variety it brings to shooting is incredible. Here’s a quick note on using two specific controls. I often mix them up. The blue dot control adjusts the duration of time movement, keeping the speed consistent throughout. Meanwhile, the red dot control changes the slider's movement speed, not the time.

Here’s a clearer example: when the time-lapse content is relatively static, you can use the red dot to create a smooth acceleration and deceleration effect, as seen in the shared video above. But if you’re shooting something with a significant change at specific times. say, capturing a sunrise where you want to slow down as it appears. use the blue dot control to stretch time for that moment.

It sounds simple when broken down, but using both simultaneously can be tricky. It’s easy to get caught up in the adjustments!

In summary:

Blue controls time.

Red controls slider movement.

I’m still experimenting with combining these two, so stay tuned for more updates!

Ramping setting
Ramping setting
Ramping setting
Dynamic Interval


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