Gopro 11 and 12 have a New 8:7 Aspect Ratio 1/1.9″ sensor (IMX677L) that can capture a taller image. This is awesome when shooting POV and FPV.
I'm pretty curious new image sensor compare to the old gopro 4:3 ratio1/2.3″ image sensor (IMX677) on Gopro 10 & 9. On Sony website. Both of the specification looks identical. IMX677L is just a taller sensor. So in theory they should perform pretty much the same.
If you want to check out the full review about the sensor. You should check out this video I put out on my main channel (Click) You can skip to the image lab test part because this review is in Mandarin.
Gopro12 8:7 sensor lab test IMX677L vs IMX677

Why I pick the GoPro 9 instead of GoPro 10 for this test? Because I own two GoPro 9. I bought them with my own money. Nobody sent me the GoPro 10 for test or review. I don't have the resource to get the GoPro 10 for this test. That's why!
At same exposure value 0EV. GoPro 12 looks way darker. Around 1/3 of a stop darker.
on GoPro 12 more details and more noise because of the higher bit rate
GoPro 12 more center details and corner details. Less image noise
Gopro 9 looks foggy and low contrast. Maybe beccause low data rate.
Slow motion
Same exposure GoPro 12 looks way darker. I guess Gopro 12 is using higher shutter speed. But it's like One-Stop darker than the GoPro 9.
Gopro12 have more luma noise less chroma noise compare to the Gopro 9. That’s good.
GP log
most of the Creator on YouTube don't like the log profile
after my simple test. I think we cannot use the flat color profile theory and slap it onto the log profile.
If you copy and paste the settings from Flat profile
1 Log video will look way too dark
2 The black will clipped easily
3 The color will look less saturated
4 More noise in the shadow
Color space
Native white balance extend the rec709 color space to the sensor original color space.
Saturated color clipping even on 10 bit video in normal color temperature white balance. It's not cause by the color depth. It's a color space limit. So if you change your White balance to native or use gopro labs wide gamut. The color will not clip even in 100% saturate light.

Conclusion Time!!
I don't know because of the processing way of the image or it's just a better sensor on the GoPro 12. We have way less Chroma noise on the GoPro 12 in 4k 30P. And because of the higher bit rate and 10 bit file record. We can preserve more organic shadow noise to recover mmore shadow details.
