Line og cannot update!! Problem solved Line og cannot update cache Manual crawler
I still hope that Line can quickly update and improve this problem, otherwise some old website information will be circulated on Line, and when you click on it, you will find that it is a fraudulent website. No wonder Line can become the kingdom of fraud!!XD
If you set a new og:image or og:title on a webpage, the links on Line will not be crawled again, Line og cannot be updated, and it is really not good to keep the old data! Line og cannot update cache Manual crawler

If you have a new og:image or og:title, you can first paste the URL on Facebook to test it, because Facebook will crawl your OG data again every time you post. After confirming that the OG data of your URL is correct, we paste the URL we want to update back on Line, but this time we add ?test after the URL
Assume the original URL is
Add ?test to the end and it will be
Although it leads to the same website, this can trick Line into thinking it is a new website and let it crawl again. If our og:image and og:title are displayed normally, then we are done! We paste the original URL on Line and the newly updated og:image and og:title will be displayed normally!!