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Sony a7CR Dynamic Range and Low Light Performance Professional High Quality Camera Recommended

Updated: Oct 11, 2024

A Professional High-Quality Camera Recommended Sony a7CR Dynamic Range and Low Light Performance

I am really happy and fortunate to have the Sony a7CR. Although it is still a bit bulkier compared to the first-generation a7 series, fitting the same sensor as the a7RV into such a compact body is impressive. If you need a lightweight camera for hiking or something easy to carry around, keep reading this article to learn more about the Sony a7CR's dynamic range and low light performance.

Dual Native ISO of the Sony a7CR

  • Video SLog3: 800, 2500

  • Photo: 100, 320

a7cr 銀色照片
a7cr 銀色照片

Sony a7CR 動態範圍 低光表現 完整測試

Dynamic Range in Videos

The dynamic range in video mode is quite good. When shooting in S-Log3, it handles overexposure of 4-5 stops and underexposure of 2-3 stops well. This demonstrates why it's recommended to expose to the right when shooting videos, as a lot of highlight details are preserved.

With two native ISOs (ISO 800 & ISO 2500), the differences are minimal. At ISO 2500, the shadows lose about half a stop of light, but color reproduction and noise characteristics are very similar. You can freely switch between these two ISOs based on the shooting environment.

Low Light Performance in Videos

When filming in S-Log3, the a7CR automatically adds noise reduction, which cannot be manually disabled. This might be because Sony considers the noise at higher ISOs too disruptive. With noise reduction, even an exaggerated ISO 25600 is usable, although shadow details at this ISO level become mushy and unrecognizable.

If you ask me, I would recommend staying below ISO 6400 for acceptable quality.

Sony A7cr 影片低光表現 iso 25600 亮部 slog3 後製復原
Sony A7cr 影片低光表現 iso 25600 亮部 slog3 後製復原
Sony A7cr 影片低光表現 iso 25600 暗部 slog3 後製復原
Sony A7cr 影片低光表現 iso 25600 暗部 slog3 後製復原
Sony A7cr 影片低光表現 iso 6400 slog3 後製復原
Sony A7cr 影片低光表現 iso 6400 slog3 後製復原
Sony A7cr 影片低光表現 iso 6400 zoom in slog3 後製復原
Sony A7cr 影片低光表現 iso 6400 zoom in slog3 後製復原

Dynamic Range in Photos

The dynamic range in photos is quite impressive. At ISO 100 without any picture profiles, it handles overexposure of 2-3 stops and underexposure of 5-6 stops! The shadow details are very well preserved, so when shooting, you only need to focus on retaining highlight details, as shadow details are almost guaranteed.

Sony A7cr 照片動態範圍 曝光不足4檔光 後製復原
Sony A7cr 照片動態範圍 曝光不足4檔光 後製復原
Sony A7cr 照片動態範圍 曝光不足4檔光 zoom in 後製復原
Sony A7cr 照片動態範圍 曝光不足4檔光 zoom in 後製復原
Sony A7cr 照片動態範圍 曝光不足5檔光 後製復原
Sony A7cr 照片動態範圍 曝光不足5檔光 後製復原
Sony A7cr 照片動態範圍 曝光不足5檔光 zoom in 後製復原
Sony A7cr 照片動態範圍 曝光不足5檔光 zoom in 後製復原
Sony A7cr 照片動態範圍 曝光不足6檔光 後製復原
Sony A7cr 照片動態範圍 曝光不足6檔光 後製復原
Sony A7cr 照片動態範圍 曝光不足6檔光 zoom in 後製復原
Sony A7cr 照片動態範圍 曝光不足6檔光 zoom in 後製復原
Sony A7cr 照片動態範圍 過度曝光2檔光 後製復原
Sony A7cr 照片動態範圍 過度曝光2檔光 後製復原
Sony A7cr 照片動態範圍 過度曝光3檔光 後製復原
失真 Sony A7cr 照片動態範圍 過度曝光3檔光 後製復原
Sony A7cr 照片動態範圍 過度曝光3檔光 zoom in 後製復原
失真 Sony A7cr 照片動態範圍 過度曝光3檔光 zoom in 後製復原

Low Light Performance in Photos

For photos in low light, I think ISO 6400 is already pushing it. With some noise reduction, it might still be usable, but I would recommend not exceeding ISO 3200 to retain better detail.

Sony A7cr 照片低光表現 ISO3200 zoom in 後製復原
Sony A7cr 照片低光表現 ISO3200 zoom in 後製復原
Sony A7cr 照片低光表現 ISO6400 zoom in 後製復原
Sony A7cr 照片低光表現 ISO6400 zoom in 後製復原

High-Resolution Photos

An additional feature worth mentioning is high-resolution photo composition. The a7CR (and a7RV) is currently the resolution king with 61 megapixels. By combining the large image size with stabilization, you can merge 4 or 16 photos to achieve an extremely high-resolution image.

Based on my tests, I recommend merging 4 photos, as it captures more image details effectively. Merging 16 photos doesn’t offer significant advantages and can introduce some strange merging effects (especially in reflective areas). Therefore, if you want to use this feature, merging 4 photos is the most suitable mode.

Sony A7cr 高解析照片16張合成 後製復原
Sony A7cr 高解析照片16張合成 後製合成

Sony A7cr 高解析照片4張合成 zoom in 後製復原
Sony A7cr 高解析照片4張合成 zoom in 後製合成

Sony A7cr 高解析照片16張合成 zoom in 後製復原
Sony A7cr 高解析照片16張合成 zoom in 後製合成
Sony A7cr 高解析照片16張合成 VS 4張合成zoom in 後製合成
Sony A7cr 高解析照片 原始61MP照片 VS 4張合成 zoom in 後製合成


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