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Studio renovated prices beyond expectations detailed pricing adjustable desks recommended opening a video studio Cai Image Studio

After many years of operation, the original decor style of the studio had become outdated, and the space utilization was poor, with many unused cabinets. The main issue was that the desk height didn’t match my 180cm height. To provide a more comfortable working environment, I decided to undergo a complete renovation. At first, I thought only minor changes were needed, but as I thought more about it, I ended up tearing down all the original decor and reconfiguring the overall layout. To my surprise, the renovation budget turned out to be higher than I had initially planned. Studio renovated prices beyond expectations detailed pricing adjustable desks

改裝前老舊裝潢 開影像工作室
改裝前老舊裝潢 開影像工作室
2024 全新開影像工作室環境
2024 全新開影像工作室環境

Studio renovated prices beyond expectations detailed pricing adjustable desks

Renovation Price Details

  • Demolition + Painting: $19,000

  • Paint Materials: $1,410

  • Curtains: $4,700

  • Adjustable Desk: $19,000

  • Monitor Stand: $711

  • Glass Heat Insulation Film: $3,000

    Total: $47,821

The total renovation budget reached 40,000, exceeding my original estimate of 30,000. The cost for demolition and painting also surprised me, and we had to buy the paint materials ourselves. I’m unsure if the prices are reasonable.

Recommended Adjustable Desk

To create a healthy working environment, I paid special attention to choosing an adjustable desk.

I visited various furniture stores and focused on three brands:

  • STANDWAY (Good, but it shakes slightly when raised to higher heights)

  • MOTTI (Noisy when adjusting height, not as stable)

  • FUNTE (Very stable even at higher heights, perfect balance)

In the end, I chose the FUNTE brand, which can remember desk height settings, saving the trouble of frequent adjustments. For someone like me who sits for long periods, this is quite practical. Though priced at 19,000, the quality makes it totally worth it for me.

Heat Insulation Film

The heat insulation film blocks over 95% of ultraviolet rays (I tested it with a spectrometer, and the difference is significant), and also blocks infrared rays, so the air conditioner doesn’t have to work as hard in the summer!

We chose a darker shade of heat insulation film. The windows became noticeably darker, but I thought that if it were too bright, I might never open the curtains, so I opted for the darker film to ensure I could open them fully every morning.

We spent a whole day installing the 8 pieces of glass using DIY static cling heat insulation film. The installation was simple, but it took a lot of time to apply correctly, especially with a huge 200x150 cm glass pane. Hiring a professional would have cost several thousand, so we decided to invest the time and do it ourselves.

The static cling film we chose has a texture similar to cling film, creating a slightly hazy effect once applied. I’m not sure if this is due to our lack of skill, or if the film is just meant to have this effect.

隔熱紙紫外線隔離效果 光譜儀測量
隔熱紙紫外線隔離效果 光譜儀測量

Monitor Stand

The monitor stand is designed to improve my posture and save space on my desk. There are so many options in the market that it was a bit overwhelming. The weight support and extension distance are generally similar across most stands, but the prices vary wildly!

I went with the cheapest VESA spring arm monitor stand because I figured I would mostly keep the height and position fixed and wouldn't adjust the monitor frequently. As long as the stand can support the monitor, it’s sufficient.

This stand has a spring extension arm, allowing easy height adjustment and keeping the monitor at the desired position. It also comes with fixed and clamp accessories in the box. Overall, it works well, and the price surprised me. Unless you need a monitor that moves and rotates every day, this stand is perfect for entry-level use.

The cost ended up being higher than expected, but for the sake of a long-term comfortable work environment and my health, the renovation expenses are unavoidable. I look forward to the complete renovation of the new studio, which will bring positive changes to my work efficiency and quality.


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