專業拍攝必備 特殊功能 水下模式新增 timecode音訊同步 停格動畫 時間同步 gopro labs Gopro12 13最新v2.3韌體更新 超強功能
Gopro HERO12 Black 韌體更新
2.30.70 - November 13, 2024
Added *DRFT=1 for automatic clock fix.
Added *DRFS=-11.3 for a fixed clock fix.
Added mPp1 or p.5 for interval photo
Added STOP=x for Stop Motion where is x the number for frame to store per shutter press. Works great with the remote. Mode button ends capture.
Added ONIO=x Onion percentage used for Stop Motion where is x the precentage of transparency of the onion skin.
Added DIVE=1 - optimizing the Hypersmooth stabilization for underwater. The water refractive index defaults to 1.335 (good for fresh and salt water), if you know your area RI is significantly different DIVE=r where r can be 1.3 to 1.45 is supported.
Added WARM=x and COOL=x to offset white balance. WARM is good to use with DIVE, so you can improve the red respond for deeper dives.
Added RLTC=1 to enable LTC timecode reading from line-in audio
Added OLTC=x frame offset to LTC, enabling calibration you are seeing any offset.
Added MMSK=time, for auto generating a mask for the new motion detector
Added GPSL=x to enabled continous GPS location logging, even when not capturing, so the capture can log more of you path and adventures. Path is saved by day into MISC/GPS-yy-mm-dd.gpmf file. GPSL=1 logs everything, GPSL=x will only log movement great than x meter from the last stored location.
Added custom Labs setting within Preset names. e.g. DIVE=1BITR=160 (standard formatting) or DIVE 24HZ or 24HZ,DIVE,NR01 (space or comma delimited). For advanced Labs users, preset names can call macros. Warning: don’t put permanent settings or actions with presets, could brick your camera.
Added !A for appending frames for a new controlled video timelapse. Stop motion, GPS interval Lapse etc.
Added support for !R-x relative gotos. e.g. “Hello”!N!R-2 keep back 2 character before !R.
Added command p.3 for 3s interval support
Added command p4 for a custom 4fps Time-lapse Video interval (0.25s)
Added 24.0 LTC Timecode support
Added !SAVEfile=0 - to erase MISC/file
Added oNx commands for Noise Reduction controls - oN0 - High/default, oN1 - Medium, oN2 - Low.
Added script variables b:T - battery temperature, p:T - processor temperature
Added mVB - mode Video Burst command
Added variables a:X, a:Y, a:Z and g:X, g:Y, g:Z, for accelerometer and gyro single axis measurements
Added commands r1V and r4V, for 1080p and 4K vertical video modes.
Improved the new style motion detection, faster and more precise. System variable m is the percentage of the frame in motion.
Improved QR Scan will a Labs script is already running.
Improved QR Sanning of complex codes in different lens modes.
Improved handling of utf-8 characters in QR Codes.
Improved long form wake reliability
Improved archive messages
Improved AUDS, auto start voice control (required for SPL outside of video recording)
Fixed subroutine handling of !R repeats
Fixed commands running too fast, occasionally missing steps or sleeps
Fixed BOOT commands to only happen during boot, so that when scan in a new boot command, it will not run immediately
Fixed attempted file I/O with SD Card removed.
Fixed ISO and SHUT LCD overlay position
Fixed multiple day wake events !259200N <- sleep for 72 hours.
Fixed the !1R required in motion detection, now !R works again
Fixed DAUD which wasn’t working on HERO12.
Gopro HERO13 Black 韌體更新
1.30.70 - November 21, 2024
Added WBDV - White Balance DiVe improvements. Rather than WARM for improving diving white balance, which effects WB the same at all depths, WBDV is more automatic – as the scene get more blue, the more the red channel is gain up. Currently $WBDV=1 is uses =2.33,4.0 internally (gaining red 4x after red gain hits 2.33), so you can try tuning this yourself e.g. $WBDV=2.4,5.0
Added SHEL - Using $SHEL=1 enables a command shell for Labs over a USB serial port. Every experimental, and looking for feedback. Connect to COM at 115200 8N1. All QR code command work, just type them. Used $ commands will report their data back to the shell, e.g. $BITR or $A or $p:T to read variables.
Added OPNW - Open Network (allows of faster non-secure http:// vs https:// to be used with Open GoPro)
Fixed supporting numbers in FourCC codes in Presets (e.g. preset named “DIVE 24HZ”)
Fixed d1 and d10 for 10-bit selection
Fixed voice control enabling in Labs